Tuesday, 22 January 2008


New Year means New Year resolutions. I've been getting out of the yoga habit recently...actually it's not really recent, it's been since I got two Jack Russell puppies which seem to have taken over my mornings / life with their cheekiness and 'take me for a walk - now' expectedness (the lessons I'm getting from Cesar Milan on The Dog Whisperer will whip them into shape soon enough though...I hope). Anyway I digress - New Year, new me means getting back into yoga which as an exercise programme suits me down to the ground.
And as an incentive to get that mat out in the morning I've discovered http://www.wellicious.com/ , which offers the most gorgeous selection of yoga gear - I love this caviar black catsuit for £85. All their products are sourced from ethical and sustainable sources and are sexy to boot. Definitely worth a visit if you're looking to spice up your yoga apparel.


Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

Lula said...

muchas gracias...contact us via lovelula.com x