Monday, 18 February 2008

ila's in

We're all shanti shanti here at this week with the arrival of the utterly gorgeous ila (pronounced eye-la).
ila is a 100% natural, chemical free skincare range for the face, body and total being.

ila is the Sanskrit word for earth and is the name of the Hindu Goddess of truth, who is associated with flow and refreshment. Ila is also the source of refreshment. There is a sacred place in Northern India at the confluence of the Sarasvati and Drishdvati Rivers. The place is known as Ilayaspada or the place of Ila, and it is called the holiest place on the earth in Vedic texts.
Absolutely everything in Ila products comes from a plant or mineral - and nothing else. This stems from their faith in the power of nature as the source of real wellbeing.
This range is the ultimate in spoiling yourself - everything about it is exquisite from the chic glass packaging, the quality of the ingredients and the gorgeousness of the products themselves.
The ila beyond organic range is now available from - enjoy!

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