Friday, 20 April 2007

Lula Shortlisted for O2 Grazia Entrepreneur Award

Being an entrepreneur is, in my opinion (!) the best job in the world. You get to be creative, you're always being urged to move forward and to be the best that you can be and you can decide exactly what you do and how it is done. The reality of it can sometimes hard though; long lonely hours, sleepless nights and permanent stress (not unlike being a parent actually come to think of it!).
It's always great when someone stops you and lets you know you're doing an alright job of it. Grazia and O2 have shortlisted me for their Entrepreneur of the Year Award and this week I went up to Newcastle to meet some other female entrepreneurs, all doing fab and inspiring things with their lives, as well as the beautiful people at Grazia and O2.
If you want to see some of the short listed women for the award check out this week's Grazia magazine.

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