Friday, 18 January 2008

trilogy becomes carbNzero

Trilogy - the gorgeous organic rosehip oil based skincare range from New Zealand - has just been awarded carbNzero certification.
Says Trilogy co-founder, Catherine de Groot “This is not just a fad, it’s a reality. CarboNZero certification has helped us more closely align our day-to-day business practices with our sustainability mantra: Maximum effect on the skin, minimum effect on the environment. Participating in the program, is an investment in the future sustainability of our products and our business which is becoming increasingly important to Trilogy and our customers.”

CarboNZero certification of Trilogy corporate operations was achieved following a process administered by Landcare Research and included the measurement and calculation of emissions resulting from the production, distribution, marketing and selling of Trilogy products, air and sea freight, travel, fuel cost and electricity and natural gas usage.

Following this Trilogy had to demonstrate a commitment to reduce emissions and the purchase and cancellation of approved credits. The process was externally verified by appointed auditors Deloitte.

Trilogy carbon investments include a Landfill project and wind farm credits which offset unavoidable CO2 emissions and contribute to the renewable energy industry.

See the range of CarbNzero Trilogy skincare products at Love Lula here....

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